Software copy protection & License-Management
Rockey4 Smart
The driverless Rockey4Smart dongle with its smart card chip design offers a complete protection mechanism and a high degree of integration, which is remarkable compared to conventional MCU chips.
The license management function is an easy-to-use at the core. Even developers who have no experience in license management can quickly grasp the use of it.
The driverless Rockey4ND is an advanced software application protection dongle that attaches to the USB port of a computer. It is in truth an effective mini computer system, with a CPU, memory and specialized firmware that allows for durable interactions with the application.
From using Enveloper tools to APIs, the ROCKEY4ND supports both extremely simple and complex copy protection techniques to achieve a very high level of security.
Rockey6 Smart
The Rockey6Smart is the most powerful unbreakable smart card based software protection dongle. The Rockey6Smart is a smart card-based software application security dongle with built-in C51 virtual device. The C51 virtual machine allows you to run small applications on board. Therefore, the designer can outsource part of the program features to the dongle. The dongle executes this part of the application. Without the dongle, the application is not complete.
The Rockey2 dongle is one of the most economical software application security dongles. It is equipped with an EEPROM of 2560 bytes, which can meet most requirements for the storage of sensitive information on the chip. The Rockey2 has a unique hardware ID and does not require an extra driver and is supported by Windows, Linux and MAC systems. The Rockey2 is easy to use and very cost effective.